Saturday, November 07, 2015

7 November 2015

  • Prevaricate: To speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create a false impression; lie.
    • One of the dilemmas in leadership is that the qualities and behaviors that make individuals successful in their careers-narcissism and self-aggrandizement, the ability to prevaricate with skill and without remorse, skill in acting and presenting oneself in ways that may not be how one is feeling at the time, among others-are qualities and behaviors that do not necessarily produce great group results or healthy workplaces. (Pfeffer)
    • As intrigue rocked the government all of this outgoing month, its so-called allies prevaricated till the end, amply demonstrating that there is little that politically defines them apart from narrow self-interest and petty power grabs. (Dawn)


Friday, November 06, 2015

6 November 2015

Axiom: Self evident or unquestionable. 
  • It is axiomatic for our analysis that we do not define CSR in detail, because the meanings and practices of business responsibility in different countries constitute part of the research question.(Matten and Moon) 
  • Inside the movement (Existentialism), free will is axiomatic, it is intuitively obvious, it is the backdrop of all that goes on. (Bob Corbett) (23 January 2017) 


Wednesday, November 04, 2015

4 November 2015

  • Elan: Dash; impetus ardor; a combination of style and vigor 
    • England began their chase with a degree of elan. (Alan Gardner) 


Tuesday, November 03, 2015

3 November 2015

  • Parse: To analyse (something, as a speech or behavior) to discover its implications or uncover a deeper meaning. 
    • They parse how to find little moments of pause in an on-demand world. (Kate Torgovnick May, Cynthia Betubiza


Sunday, November 01, 2015

1 November 2015

  • Accretion: An increase by natural growth or by external addition; growth in size or extent.
    • When this happens years after years, there is a damaging accretion of structural fixes. (Yves Morieux, Peter Tollman)  
